History and Bylaws

As a follow-up to the 25th anniversary, in 2018, of Peace Corps being in Madagascar a group of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) started affiliate group planning. Prior to 2019, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Facebook group had already been formed, and combined with a call for interest through the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) listserv, most communications about the group forming was sent through the Facebook group. The newly formed planning group members were formed. After creation of the group Bylaws, the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Madagascar (RPCVs of Madagascar) group was officially formed and sought formal affiliation as a country of service group of NPCA.

The objectives of the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Madagascar (RPCVs of Madagascar) are:

  • To help promote a better understanding of Madagascar on the part of Americans through festivals, school speaking engagements, etc.

  • To provide a platform for information sharing with those currently involved in development work in Madagascar.

  • To foster professional and social support for group members (including RPCVs who served in Madagascar).